Adding vehicles with batch upload
When adding vehicles into your RFleet, you have the option to add vehicles in bulk. Doing so can reduce the time required to input the information for your vehicles. To add vehicles in bulk, begin by navigating to the Vehicle tab within the Manage section of RFleet. From there, select the blue “Add Vehicle” button and then “Add Multiple Vehicles.”
Regardless, you will be prompted to upload a file containing the documentation for your vehicles. Before you upload, first, download the template by selecting “Download CSV Template” and fill it in with one line per vehicle. You may upload up to 500 vehicles at a time. Additionally, you can opt to have your vehicle auto-assigned RPlates. This option is only available if you have enough available RPlates in your inventory. Check the box to allow RPlates to be auto-assigned to vehicles with the file.
Once you’ve uploaded the file successfully, you can navigate away from the page. We will attempt to validate the provided data and then send you a notification when the validation is complete. If corrections are needed, we will guide you to fix these issues. When all necessary updates are made, the vehicles you uploaded will be added to your fleet.